Haha! How I do love Martin Shaw’s way with words, whether spoken or written. His wandering rambles are akin to epic poetry me thinks. My own little way has always been the “backalong” as Martin calls it. Mine have always been mostly about my own life experiences among others, but occasionally interspersed with tales from my imagination.
“We need the storytellers now, more than ever. The braille of our moment can’t be sufficiently deciphered by statistics and talking heads.” Martin Shaw
Backalong might well be an Aboriginal word as well as Devon, for deep time is a common theme among indigenous Australian people, walkabout too.
Young men dream dreams, old men have visions…and sometimes a young man who is an old spirit also has visions. Grandfather Nick Black Elk was one, cousin Tsunka Witko (His Horse Is Crazy) was also one.
Regarding Job…my grandmother Pauline Job, a descendant yes, was unwed mother turned matriarch in Dakota territory. From Volga German Jew to Christ follower…
I forget now, did Martin say something about totems? In my Lakota culture totems are crafted items that represent spirit animals.
Lakota Spirit Animals : Aktá Lakota Museum & Cultural Center
Oh yes, dizzy me, it’s the title of this episode, redemptive totems indeed.
Here’s that promised link…
Redemptive Totems - by Martin Shaw
Pádraig Wanbli Iyotake
(Patrick Perching Eagle)
aka anonemoose monk }:- a.m.
Hoofnote: Ironically, my spirit name was given to me by an old friend who is a Christian pastor and teacher. He had a vision for me while “caught up” (as Paul would say). He said I was like the perching Eagle waiting for the wind of the Spirit to rise up, only then would I launch out to be carried.
[Golden Eagle I photographed while backpacking up in the Mokolumne Wilderness]
I enjoy Martin’s wordsmithing very much too, like they already existed before he pulls them out into use again. Hearing of backalong stories got me interested too. Middle of 8 irish American kids taught me how to get in and off the stage quickly before they got the hook so to speak.